Pledge Form

Your generous pledge helps sustain and grow the life and mission of First Unitarian Church.

A financial commitment to First Unitarian:

  • fulfills your role as a member,
  • helps the congregation be fiscally responsible,
  • represents your investment in the mission and goals of the congregation, and
  • honors your part in cooperatively supporting this beloved community.

Please be as thoughtful and generous as you can.

THANK YOU for your pledge.

You may contact the office to request a pledge card OR you may submit your pledge information online.

Pledge Form

  • (Thank you for your pledge of support. A member of the Year Round Stewardship Team will contact you and confirm your pledge start date.)
  • * PushPay is accessible via the "Giving Opportunities" link at the bottom of the page.
    We understand that people sometimes find themselves in a situation where pledging is difficult. If that is the case, we still embrace you as part of our community and can waive your pledge. Please contact our Director of Finance and Administration ( or 244-8603, ext. 101) to receive a waiver.